Deemed the “dark matter of diet,” thousands of biochemical compounds found in our food remain unknown but could be the key to disease prevention and treatment.
Continue ReadingWhen the world seems increasingly dystopian, sometimes the best way to grapple with reality is to turn to fiction. Novels like Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Octavia Butler’s Parable Series highlight the disturbing ways science fiction parallels, and sometimes predicts, our current reality
Continue ReadingThe health of tiny humans may rely on the microbes they are exposed to within the first hours and years of life, known as the ‘baby biome.’ Many factors that shape the baby biome contribute to risk of health conditions like allergies, type 1 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. How does the baby biome develop and where do these microbes come from?
Continue ReadingVaccine rumors have a story to tell and it might be time to listen.
Continue ReadingAlternative meats are here to stay! Can they satisfy our demand for more meat, save the planet, and our health? Meating the Demand: For More “Meat” Alternative meat options once…
Continue ReadingHumans are hosts to one of the greatest mass extinctions known to earth – and it’s happening inside our gut.
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